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Leaders who are poised to break into the senior level of the firm, often need a gentle nudge to embrace some evolved mindsets and behaviors. In this 6 module Leadershift program, leaders will refine their mindsets, and adapt practices which bring on the roles of Saints and Superstars – Compassionate and impactful. Leaders impact the routines of the workforce- from the way teams hold their meetings, to how new recruits are hired, how feedback is given, and the way in which success is recognized and rewarded. These routines determine the culture of the firm, and the pursuit of its goals and purpose. Refining collective leadership mindsets, and moving everyone into the quadrant of Saint and Superstars is a deliberate process addressed by LeaderShift- a successful Leadership development global program. It is a 6 module intensive intervention, interspersed with simulations, videos and reflective assessments aimed at developing the requisite mindsets and capabilities required to uphold the mission, vision and values of the firm. Modules include : Evolve, Engage, Elevate, Enhance, Endure, Enrich

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